Monday, November 12, 2012


Lucidity came smoothly, and I almost immediately folded up my apartment around myself, and descended into my fortress, where Ulla was waiting for me.

Looking for answers, my companion?

"Yeah. You're not going to give me some kind of cryptic runaround, are you?"

It is not my intention, no.

"Good. So, let's see. What do you know about Kether? Why did you think Ambrose Laurent was bad news? What are we into, and why do I have the feeling that you only warned me off as a formality – like, you kind of wanted me to get involved?"

The last, first. I knew you were making a mistake, and I warned you. When you ignore my advice, you insult me. You are into some trouble, and more if Laurent can speak clearly to his patron. I had heard from my brothers and sisters that Laurent had a patron in this world, though they did not know his name or that of his patron – only, that the lord of drugs down at the dockside was one of the lieutenants of a faith that had gone delving for power, and found some. Yes?

"That still leaves Kether."

Yes. You mean Kether-Kinal? There are several minor powers named Kether.

"You know damned well that I do."

One can never be certain, when things are moving swiftly – and they are moving swiftly around you right now, my companion. Kether-Kinal is one of the undreaming powers.

To be a power is to have agents in each strata of realms; in the wellspring, in thought, in memory, and in some realm of truth. There are dreaming powers, that were born in and of the wellspring, who have their own talents, and can create new things. And there are undreaming powers, who were made or born in realms beyond. And while they may have powers of transformation, they cannot create anew, only mimic and copy and mirror; never so well as the original.

"So, the wellspring isn't the source of dreams, not exactly. It's the source of dreamers."

Just so. There are many dreamers that came out from the wellspring, and live beyond, creating and ruling in their spheres. But whatever they will, they cannot make more dreamers. No true children, unless they return to the wellspring – if they still can.

"Okay. So, this Kether wants... To get new dreamers?"

The usual intention is to become a dreamer itself – most often, by absorbing the mutilated faculties of other dreamers. There are many ways to do this. Most involve the corruption or destruction of many among the living.

"How would you define 'many', there?"

Dozens. Sometimes as many as a hundred. Though if it wishes to raise a generation of dreaming children – as is customary, then thousands, though sometimes over a significant expanse of time.

"Holy fuck."

You begin to understand.

"Last thing, then. I did a basic internet search on totems, and shamanism. Seems like, if any of that makes sense, I should be able to do cat-things – maybe only metaphorically catty, but still. Or turn into a cat. Or call up a whole lot of cats. Or learn black magic, and ride around on a piece of straw, possibly wearing a huge hat with a wart next to my nose. Or... I can't sort the sense for the nonsense, is what I'm saying, here."

The legends of your people have grown sadly debased, then. Very well; I will teach you, the long way.